Cash Prizes for
1st &2nd place!!!
​You know it's not what you know.....
Trivia Nights are all about the food....and FUN!
​The Madison County Chess Association is hosting a trivia night at PBC Studios!! Sharpen your pencils and put your smart hats on.....or just make sure you ready to have fun finding out what you don't know :) Doors open 6:30, Trivia starts at 7pm. Typical 10 rounds with 10 questions.
$75 for tables of 8 or $10/person to sit at the mingle tables (upto 8 people per table).
$150 first prize and $100 second prize
Bring your favorite foods....(pizza available for purchase onsite if you like)
NO OUTSIDE BEVERAGES!! Cash beer/wine bar, coffeeshop available
Tickets available from any MCCA member or at PBC Studios (Cash only).